I just showed my roommate "2 Girls 1 Cup" Lulsicup.
It all started with him showing me the Virtual Barber Shop
The clip gave me some jitters because of the confusion that was brought to my senses. Brain tingling.
He then clicked on some related videos that showed people video taping their reactions to the clip. It was at this point that I suddenly had a flashback to Thanksgiving of 2007, to the time that I had first watched some reaction video clips to 2 Girls 1 Cup and was curious as to what this shock video was. Twas shocking indeed.
I said as one of the reaction video to Virtual Barber Shop concluded, "Ahh, these reaction videos remind me of all those 2 Girls 1 Cup reactions."
My roommate in confusion asks, "What?"
It was then that I knew it was my duty to illuminate his day.
I chuckled sinisterly as I told him, "Ahh, you don't know what it is then. I can't describe it to you, you're just going to have to watch it."
Two girls, One cup == funny stuff.